Maine Beef Producers Association

The Maine Beef Producers Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to maintaining a viable beef cattle industry in the State of Maine through producer education, cooperative marketing, and the development and support of youth. It was started by a group of producers in Western Maine about 30 years ago who recognized the need for and benefits of cooperative marketing of quality preconditioned feeder calves. They had the first auction in 1989 and since that time the MBPA has grown to a 60 member group of beef producers with an all volunteer Board which continues to advocate for its members. A significant portion of our operating expenses come from membership dues. For $35 an individual or farm can become a member and support our mission. For $100 a business may become a member at the sponsor level. That membership will get your business listed with all members and allow you to place your logo on the Sales Slider at the top of the sales page.

Upcoming Events

Youth Scholarship

The MBPA began the Youth Scholarship during 2018 and gave its first scholarships to two women at the Northeast Livestock Exposition in 2019. We will be giving up to two $500 scholarships a year to Maine students going on for higher education. Application deadline is April 1 and the Scholarship is awarded in the spring. The majority of the fundraising for the scholarship is through a silent auction at the Cattlemen's Conference but donations are always welcome.

Northeast Livestock Exposition

The Northeast Livestock Exposition (NELE) is a non profit organization run by an all volunteer Board of Directors since 2006. It draws beef and dairy cattle, sheep, and Boer goats, for its shows, educational events, youth events, and auctions. It also hosts Kid’s Day, a learning adventure for thousands of local school children. It is always the third Weekend in May at the Windsor Fairgrounds. The MBPA is a participating organization and sponsor of NELE.